Saturday, November 11, 2006

Personal Experiences

Like we said last week, just about everyone has had experiences that they just couldn't explain rationally. I wanted to recount an experience that I witnessed many years ago, but I still think about it when I think of psychic experiences.

My ex-husband and I had just gotten married in 1975, and had moved to Hattiesburg, Mississippi so he could go to school. He had a part-time job as a police officer, and was going to school full-time, so he had to take naps when he could. He had lain down about 5:00PM, and slept until about 10:00 so he could go in for the midnight shift. He woke up and told me about this very vivid dream he had just had, about a woman who was in a wreck on the expressway above town. He told me exactly where she was, what she was driving, and that they had to do something "different" to get her out of the car. Right after they got her out, the engine blew up, and it would have probably killed her if they had not gotten her out. After he told me that he went in to work.

He told his partner about the dream before they went on shift, and they just made a joke about it. They weren't joking though a few hours later, when they got the call about a wreck on the upper side of town. He said it was exactly like his dream, and they knew exactly how to get her out, and just like in his dream, the engine blew up after they got her out. I remember that I asked him why he was coming home at 3:30 instead of the regular time. He said they had told the shift captain about what had happened, and the captain told them to take the rest of the night off. I don't believe he ever worked with his partner again (Wonder why?)

Let me hear about your experiences, and please feel free to comment on any post on here.
For a free ecourse on personal psychic development, go to

Monday, November 06, 2006

Psychic Healing

Psychic power is the ability to feel, understand and interpret a higher force using sixth sense or ESP (extra sensory perception). It is the power to use higher levels of energy to understand and interpret things, which are not seen or understood by normal people under normal conditions. Nearly everyone possesses psychic abilities to a degree. But some have more. These people are generally referred to as psychics, mediums, or fortunetellers.Psychics use arts like astrology, numerology, intuition, clairvoyance, spirit guides, auras, spells and channeling. Other abilities include clairaudience, being able to hear or perceive sounds which are not normally audible, clairsentience, the art of knowing about an event- past, present or future, through a feeling and clairvoyance, the extrasensory perception of an event which does not related to the normal five senses.On another level, divination is the art of giving a prophecy, prediction or foretelling the future by the act or practice of the occult arts. Hiero is described as scripting and automatic painting or drawing. Precognition allows a psychic to see forward in time while the art of prophesy involves predicting a future event under the influence of divine guidance.Psychometrics derives power from knowledge of an object or a person connected with it by coming into contact and psycho kinesis is a commonly known ability to move objects with the mind. Remote viewing involves the ability to describe a person, place or thing without being in their presence, while telepathy is a mind-to-mind communication.Psychic healing is very popular and is done using many techniques: mesmerism, necromancy, spiritual healing or Reiki, intuitive healing, Pranic healing, past life regression, absent healing/distance healing, faith healing, laying-on-of-hands healing, energy balancing, aura therapy and more. Psychic healers channel energies from the inner soul and use this energy to re-energize a person with illness. This is done by replacing negative energies with positive energies. It realigns the chakras, or energy points within the body by calming the body and filling it with energy. It basically clears the mind of negativity and energizes it. Psychic healing may not entirely cure a person but it is said to speed up or complement the process of healing using conventional medicines. Psychic healing is based on the theory that the human body is perfectly capable of healing itself. It only requires will power and revival of internal energy to do so. Psychic healing is used for ailments like cancer, anxiety, depression, tumors, phobias, and several other disorders. Psychic healing can also be done from a distance through phone. There are also psychic healers for animals. There are many psychic healers in the world. They can be contacted in person, by post, through phone or by e-mail. Generally, psychic healers charge a fee for healing. There are several websites over the Internet about psychic healers.
Author Info:
Psychics provides detailed information on psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing and more. Psychics is affliated with Clairvoyant Readings.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Increase Your Psychic Awareness, by Manoj Ram

Any form of 'Psychic Awareness' allows the person possessing it to see and sense events beyond what is immediately occurring around us, or what is 'Obvious'. It is thus sometimes referred to as 'extra sensory perception', a virtual extension of our usual sensory prowess. Everyone poses certain amount of Psychic Awareness or Ability. The only difference between them and regular Psychics is based on the level of trust they have on their capacity. A number of us clearly confess having a certain amount of intuitive capacity, but very few of those claiming to poses it project enough to trust their intuition entirely.

Our brain is regularly flooded with various sorts of images and information. The brain processes these information and assigns them meanings according to past experiences of the individual. Therefore, obviously enough, a number of information or images are not assigned any such meaning, basically due to the lack of the individuals past experience regarding the matter. The brain will also give priority to things which might affect the individual's survival over all else, so if there is something particularly hot or cold or potentially harmful around you that's what you will be informed about before you are let to know about the cute guy who is passing along. Only after these fundamental information have been dealt with will the brain try processing the more 'subtle sensory input'. However, such a point, at which the less understood information is tagged, may or may not be reached at all.

Certain people, people we call Psychics are accustomed to decoding such sensory inputs more frequently than regular people like you or me. This extra ability to deal with most information that they gain access to is what we term as Psychic Ability.

Various Types of Psychic Abilities

You must have of course been bombarded with the names of various Psychic Abilities to have a bit of Psychic-oriented-vocabulary by now, thanks to the ever-growing influence of the television and the media. Our kids today rattle of names like Psycho-kinesis, Telepathy, Astral Projection, Clairvoyance etc. as easily as they munch their fries. But that is not to say that our awareness about any of these abilities have been developing holistically. Most of us use these terms, sadly enough, to appear learned.

Our attempt at this point is to wade through any such scholarly pretence and to instead just acquaint ourselves with basic concepts. Our Psychic Abilities are determined by the various chakras in our body. In all there are about 7 chakras located around our spine. The work of the chakras has often been compared to the aperture of a camera, the more they open up the broader our view becomes. Although there are 7 chakras in all not all of them are connected to gaining Psychic Awareness.

In the following section we will only be focusing on a few of those chakras, which contribute, to our psychic abilities. Let's take the 2nd Chakra first. The second Chakra allows us the potential of Clairsentient. This psychic ability helps you feel things at a very personal level, much like Diana Troy of the Star Trek series. Thus they are also sometimes referred to as 'Empaths' in the sense that they are literally empathetic individuals, they feel exactly what others experience.

The 5th chakra grants us the power of Clairaudience or the potential to hear information. We always receive various guiding notes by a certain 'inner voice' with in us; this inner voice is essentially the information, which we receive at a Clairaudient level.

Clairvoyance is a rare Psychic capacity to literally 'see' images in one's own head. This unique power, allowed by the 6th Chakra, has often been referred to as the 'third eye', indicating the insight it allows us.

The 7th chakra grants us the power to 'Know'. This power of 'Knowing' allows you a rather illogical knowledge of things around you, without letting you in on the secret as to how you know about them. The 7th chakra is located right at the top of your head and thus the information it has access to is not allowed to the other chakras in the other parts of the body.


Any sort of Psychic Ability, whether acquired or inherent is a gift, which must be exercised in, order to keep it effective. A number of us are dissuaded even frightened to make use of capacities, which we soon realize we possess. Being a Psychic or possessing such abilities is not 'inhuman' but rather 'extra-human', if such a word may be allowed. All of us have Psychic experiences. It is for us to recognize them and nurture them the way we would nurture a talent in singing or dancing. Ultimately this is a capacity, which allows us insight and a chance to help others, as well as our own selves.

About the Author
Manoj Ram is an independent consultant You can find more information about psychic medium, psychic abilities and education on psychic abilities at his website

Saturday, November 04, 2006

How Does Powerful Psychic Training Work? by Per Hogseth

Psychic Training is a skill that first requires awareness of information. This means that the analysis of information must be so precise that the psychic is aware of all the factors involved in a reading.
Reading is a term used by many professionals and amateurs to indicate that the psychic is 'reading' the person or obtaining information feedback from normal or paranormal means. Once these factors are all in the psychic's mind, it will be possible to translate the knowledge into superior readings.
The simplest way to observe how this works is to compare the brain and it`s individual thought processes to the workings of a computer. To be simplistic, in essence the brain is a thought processor. Awareness of reality is only possible by the processing of information by the brain. Maximum awareness of all the realities to which we normally pay no attention is possible by training the brain to deliver greater or more detailed feedback of information.
First, the instructions in this book are the software program for the bio-computer, the brain. Since computers work in a logical, precise way, the instructions are presented in a realistic, logical manner.
This program requires the stripping away of illusion and looking at the bare facts: One plus one, equals two. Most psychic training programs try to imply that one plus one, equals three, which the mind rejects as illogical.
Second, the input hardware for the bio-computer is multidimensional. It is sensory input: seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting. The conscious mind is the input terminal that takes the information gathered by the senses and feeds it to the subconscious mind, which is the ultimate information storage unit.
The conscious mind serves a dual function. In the beginning it is an input system, but is also works as the output and retrieval system.
The longer the psychic works with the programming, the more adept will become the subconscious is often called intuition, ESP, or psychic communication.
Of course, the output of the psychic's bio-computer is not a soft or hard copy printout but rather the words he speaks, the reading.
If a person is sincere in using the methods of training or programming advocated by Powerful Psychic Training, he can be an extraordinary psychic. What is more, he will not be a fake. He will be great! He will be Real!
The information in this book concerns the methods of programming the personal bio-computer. For many, this will be the first time they have made realistic, conscious uses of these natural talents. Everyone uses this method to shape his personality skills and knowledge.
With Powerful Psychic Training is the awareness of what he is doing, the selecting of a program that will enrich his potential in interpersonal relationships, and the creation of marketable mental skills in a field which had previously been based either on haphazard luck or on consistent tricks.
There are no tricks in this learning. What will be learned here will concern the mental awareness of realities to demonstrate psychic insight as opposed to physical manipulation of apparatus to create illusion.
The Psychic Training is real magic in the tradition of the mystic. The added plus to our method concerns building the individual subconscious flare for entertainment that will elevate the psychic's skills to the level of superior, professional sensitivity above the person next door who just knows what is going to happen.
If and individual chooses not to use the methods for induction of information, he will still find the information accurate and useful. The present text relating to the processing of information to obtain the nucleus of the reading is valid even if you only want to use it in a limited way. However, it is an individual choice. One can be good, or one can be great. The amount of time it takes for success will be accelerated by the use of the suggested method. It does work.
The techniques have been tested and proved. They are basic yet they are sublime wisdom. If the individual approaches The Powerful Psychic Training with an open mind and a dedication, he will succeed. At this moment one cannot even imagine the ultimate degree of success that can be obtained.
To be paradoxical, it is not hard, but it is not easy. It is not hard because the information is simple. It is not easy in that it cannot be done overnight because it takes time to train the subconscious mind to accept and retrieve information correctly.
It is very much like touch-typing. At first, the typist will hunt and peck, but soon the fingers know what to do without being told on a conscious level. At first, the psychic will have to consciously search for the information for his reading, but soon he will burst forth with information automatically retrieved from the subconscious.
She/he will indeed be psychic!
About the Author
Per Hogseth is an acclaimed psychic reader from Norway. To learn more about his methods and teachings, please go NOW to:

Developing Your Psychic Abilities by crotz

All people have psychic abilities. Some may have more natural abilities than others, it's the same way that some of us seem inclined towards music or mathematics. But psychic abilities can be enhanced and trained. Below tips can help you to increase natural psychic skills.


Meditation enhances the mind, body, spirit connection and the strengthens spiritual self. Meditation is the greatest tool for increasing psychic abilities. Through meditation it is possible to achieve a state of intense awareness of subtle energies.

There is no right or wrong way to perform meditation. The only important thing is you be able to relax and focus your mind. You will begin to notice the existence of your own spiritual energy, if you continue the practice meditation for any length of time. It is the connection to your spiritual self which provides intuitive information. Strengthening the connection to your spiritual self will result in an increase in of psychic abilities.


YOur should try to be more aware of your surroundings. try to lie still for a few minutes without opening your eyes, upon wake up in the morning. Notice as many sounds, smells, and textures as possible before you decide to open your eyes.

If carried out for several weeks, This exercise can greatly help to increase your levels of intuition and awareness.

Listening is important to increasing psychic awareness, after doing this exercise for some time you will begin to notice an increase in your overall awareness, which affects your level of intuition.


Pay attention to random feelings and thoughts. Often intuitive information is communicated to us in bits and pieces. Keep a journal handy at all times and try to write down those thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere. You may notice after a while that patterns tend to emerge. Thoughts that previously seemed completely random and unconnected begin to form themes or recognizable ideas.

Record your dreams in your journal. If you have been following the awareness exercise outlined above, you will have noticed that recall your dreams are much easier. Allowing yourself a few minutes to be still upon wake up makes it easier to remember dreams and detail. Wake you up ten or fifteen minutes before your normal waking time. Free some time to remember your dreams and make a few quick notes in your journal.

If practiced regularly, these very simple exercises can have dramatic results. These just a few of the many techniques available for increasing your psychic ability, many other methods to choose from. In your search for psychic development information, it's important to be wary of any methods which declare that psychic abilities are the result of external forces, or any teachings which insist that psychic powers are anything other than a natural human ability.

About the Author owner.

My Pschic Self

Hi, and welcome to my blog. Here I will share my thoughts on my "psychic abilities", (which I think we all have), articles I think you might like to read, and, I hope, you will share your thoughts and experiences.

To start with, I think we all have a certain amount of psychic abilities, but most people don't think of them as such, calling it "intuition", "chance", "coincidence", and sometimes just "dumb luck". Who knows where we get these thoughts, but we probably get them a lot more than we think, and just ignore them in the rush of daily life. Whether our messages are from a spirit, an angel guide, or just from our "higher self", we would probably be better off paying more attention to our inner thoughts.

Please feel free to post your experiences and thoughts, as I will mine.